Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year 2009 and Maal Hijrah 1430

The ever famous phrase, "how times flies" really is significant during this time of year. One just realized how the year ended and a new year begins. We begin to wonder if all our resolutions have been fulfilled or even 'half' accomplished. Then we start asking ourselves where the time has gone and why so little was done to complete those wishful thinking items.

Why do humans go through the same journey, over and over again... we keep making the list, so sure of ourselves that we will fulfill them but yet we only managed to complete maybe the first 5 items in the list. So, maybe, this year I will decide not to make one. I'll take it one step at a time. Anyone care to join?




Selmat Tahun Baru ....

Syam Mokhtar said...

Selamat menyambut tahun baru dengan semangat baru!!!